~資料來源YouTube 美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源YouTube 美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源YouTube 美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源YouTube 美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
~資料來源-美國網球協會USTA (United States Tennis Association)
The 10 and Under Tennis lesson videos are designed to provide coaches, players and parents specific guidelines and tennis skill proficiencies that young players should possess prior to moving from one play format to the next (Red to Orange, Orange to Green and Green to Yellow).
*每星期參加網球運動3個小時,適度的高強度運動可削減一半的任何原因所引起的死亡風險,這是根據已故的博士 Dr. Ralph Paffenbarger研究,他是國際公認的運動權威,研究了超過10000人/20年。
*根據 Dr. Joan Finn博士和他的同事在Southern Connecticut State University州立大學研究,網球選手比其他運動員和一般人在活力,樂觀,自尊上面有較高的得分,而抑鬱,憤怒,困惑,焦慮和緊張得分較低。
*根據Dr. Jim Gavin博士的著作“The Exercise Habit 運動習慣”,在發展的積極的人格特質上,網球勝過高爾夫球和其他大多數運動。
昨晚在博斯網球台看了場巴黎名人賽的LIVE決賽,波蘭黑馬Jerzy Janowicz是個身高2m的巨人,發球時測速看板一度來到242Km,巨人不擔心高失誤勇於打出致勝球,強力Power打法全面及大膽放網前小球,令人印象深刻...最後雖然輸給了Ferrer獲得亞軍,但是又創造一個體壇灰姑娘的故事,因為在巴黎名人賽開始之前,他還是個為贊助經費心煩的選手,ATP排名還在263位左右,經過一周來的努力,他從會外賽一路過關斬將,其中包括擊敗名將Andy Murray的經典成名戰,積分大躍進來到今天世界第26位,Jerzy Janowicz成為相隔12年後,另一位第一次在ATP World Tour Masters 1000系列賽登場就打進決賽的選手,看到他的表現,我可以大膽預言4大天王時代快要結束,新世代球王將逐漸竄起.